Product Data Enhancements
- June 2024 monthly data update
Feeds and Speed API (contact us for help or information)
- Our Feeds and Speeds dialog can now be accessed using a simple url. This is particularly helpful for CAM software integration.{publisher}?orderNumbersMsToWps={orderNumbers}&cam=={Name}
- publisher: currently only 1 brand is neeeded
- orderNumbers: comma separated, orderNumbers, from Machine to Workpiece.
- For solid tools, only one item is needed
- For indexables, both cutter and inserts are needed
- Cam: is optional. It is used for the “Send to {Name}” button.
- If you use a Webview2, use the webView2.WebMessageReceived event. The result grid is sent back in form a string
- Bug Fixes
- Better mapping for properties and tool types
- Support for Shaft (aka indexable tools and complex tool shapes)
- (Feeds and speeds integration coming up)
- New flag: isDrivingPerformance true/false. This flag informs on the whether an item is involved in the feeds and speeds calculation. This can be handy if using the new Feeds and Speeds API.
- Export now ensure that the ISO 13399 colors are preserved.
- Insert OAL is now measured along the length of the insert and not the ISO Z orientation
Bug Fixes
- Performance enhancements and bug fixes implemented.